bskor ba

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to be turned around [RY]

1) circle; 2) circumambulation, going around; 3) surround; 4) rotate, turn; 5) send, accompanied by; 6) wandering, roaming (/ [p f skor ba [IW]

pf. & ft. of skor ba; 1) to circle, surround, encircle. 2) to circumambulate, go around, do a round of, make rounds. 3) wander, roam. 4) to be accompanied by. 5) turn, revolve, rotate. 6) skor ba circumambulation; see skor ra [RY]

to ring, encircle, circle, surround, rim, girdle [RY]

to surround; to circumambulate [RB]

circulate, cycle, to rotate, SA tshigs sbyong lnga, surrounded by [JV]

circulate, cycle, to rotate, SA tshigs sbyong lnga, surrounded by, turning [JV]