kha skong
1) add[ition], take a mouthful, fill up [a void]; 2) complete the #; 3) amendment, addition, anything that makes up a shortage; 4) a supplement; 5) fill up, fill in; 6) supplement fire puja amending duplications and omissions; 7) appendix of a book [IW]
appendix of a book; 1) amendment, addition, addendum, anything that makes up a shortage or deficit, a supplement. 2) to add, amend, fill up, fill in, complete a number [of recitations], complete the number; amending, supplement [RY]
fire puja amending duplications and omissions [yi dam gang rung gi sgos blug pa'i sbyin sreg gam cho ga'i yan lag tshang bar blug pa'i las sbyor gyi sbyin sreg] [IW]
supplement [ggd] [RY]
appendix, supplement, amend, addendum, complement, mouthful, completion, appendix of a book [JV]