kha sbyor
integration; interface/ interfacing [RB]
1) kiss, join mouths; 2) join/ stick two things together, seal, join, unite; 3) joining face to face in sexual union, intercourse, [in] union, joined w a consort, [IW]
1) kiss, join mouths; 2) join/ stick two things together, seal, join, unite; 3) joining face to face in sexual union, intercourse, [in] union, joined w a consort, seal, join, unite gnyis med kha sbyor nondual, (roughly equivalent to zung 'jug a higher teaching and practice] [IW]
1) to stick together, seal, join, unite. 2) joining, face to face in [sexual) union. 3) in union, joined with a consort. 4) mouth to mouth, kiss. 5) Syn kha sbyar, gnyis med kha sbyor nondual, integration. 6) intercourse; union. Syn zung 'jug; interface/ interfacing; inseparably joined [RY]
features, union, anything that is left after eating or has been touched by the mouth but not eaten [JV]
to semi-spheres put together face to face [RY]
merging, union, joining, coalescing [RY]