gang zag gi bdag med
the selflessness of individuals - individual nonself, egolessness of persons [absence of a self-entity in a person, selflessness of the person, personal selflessness, lack of individual self [one of bdag med gnyis. = two self-lessnesses, self existence of of the skandhas included in an individual's continuum] [IW]
the selflessness of individuals - individual non-self, egolessness of persons [IW]
selflessness of persons self of persons [JV]
nonexistence of personal identity/ (self-)identity in/ of the individual personality [RB]
egolessness of the self; the absence of a self in persons; selflessness of the individual, lack of self of the individual; nonexistence of the self of the individual personality; individual nonself, egolessness of person, absence of a self-entity in a person, selflessness of the person, personal selflessness, lack of individual self, one of bdag med gnyis two selflessnesses [RY]