gleng gzhi'i sde
pragmatic narratives, one of the gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis twelve divisions of the teachings; the Topics, the Set of Declarations, One of gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis [RY]
(nidnam scriptures taught for the sake of some being [IW]
(nidnam) [taught for the sake of some being, eg rdza mkhan gyi bu nor can la brten nas ma byin len gyi bcas pa mdzad pa'i mdo lta bu included in the vinayapitaka, pragmatic narratives, the Topics, the set of declarations, [6th of the gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis. = 12 divisions of the teachings] [IW]
(nidnam) scriptures taught for the sake of some being [eg rdza mkhan gyi bu nor can la brten nas ma byin len gyi bcas pa mdzad pa'i mdo] bu included in the vinayapitaka, pragmatic narratives, the Topics, the set of declarations, [R] [IW]
(nidnam) scriptures taught for the sake of some being, eg rdza mkhan gyi bu nor can la brten nas ma byin len gyi bcas pa mdzad pa'i mdo lta bu included in the vinayapitaka, pragmatic narratives, the Topics, the set of declarations, [6th of the gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis. = 12 divisions of the teachings] [IW]