bgegs bskrad

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1) exorcise obstructing spirits; 2) dispel obstructing forces [IW]

bgegs bskrad pa - to banish/ banishing hindrances [RB]

turn out a ghost [JV]

1) exorcise obstructing spirits; 2) dispel obstructing forces)/ [in practice and empowerment of mandalas etc. 1st with the pride of the deity, the host of wrathful ones spros te geks who obstruct the establishment of mandalas of mantrayana having been offered torma are driven out [IW]

banished forces of obstruction [RY]

dispel the obstructers / obstructing forces; to banish/ banishing hindrances [RY]

obstructing forces, dispelling; [detailed expl., Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 81] [RY]