'gal ba'i rang bzhin dmigs bzhi

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the four contradictory natures. [among the 12 kinds of reasons given which are contradictory because of non-coexistence lhan cig mi gnas 'gal gyi rtags sbyor bcu gnyis, a nature object contradictory with the nature, cause, fruition, and pervader rang bzhin dang 'gal ba'i rang bzhin dmigs pa dang, rgyu... 'bras bu... khyab byed.] [IW]

the four contradictory natures. [among the 12 kinds of reasons given which are contradictory because of non-coexistence lhan cig mi gnas 'gal gyi rtags sbyor bcu gnyis [R] [IW]

the four contradictory natures. [IW]