'gro ba bzang mo

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name of an opera and character in the opera [JV]

'gro ba bzang mo PN [in the region of mon yul rta dbang gyi mandala sgang la an old bhramin's daughter 'gro ba bzang mo unwillingly was made a queen and later when by evil men severe injuries suffered unbearable brten, she went to the realm of the dakinis and, her own son and daughter in the human realm those two embodied beings by evil men gyis various through they performed means of killing did not die and later the son after he grew up killed the evil men de dgra sha blangs pa'i sgrung gi stories gzhir bzhag gis bsgrigs pa'i Tibetan theater lha mo ba'i play.] [IW]

dakini drama; theater, lha mo ba'i play [RY]

'gro ba bzang mo [IW]