khyams ra

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dog [syn: skye ba'i cha can, grong gi gcan gzan, 'dod dbang, rdo rje'i mjug ma can, nor srung, rdzig sang ba, sha khyi, seng ge'i rigs, gso byed]; 2) 1 of the animals in the 12 year cycle [IW]

dog [RY]

1) dog [syn: skye ba'i cha can dang, grong gigcan gzan, 'dod dbang, rdo rje'i mjug ma can, nor srung, rdzig sang ba, sha khyi, seng ge'i rigs, gso byed]; 2) 1 of the 12 yr cycle) [IW]

dog, hound, 1 of 12 dus tshod [JV]