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46 transgressions [IW]
46 transgressions [refer to bodhisattvasamvaravims'aka [t 4081 they are also cited in jamgo"n kongtru"l, shes-bya kun-khyab mdzod, vol 2, pp 114- 117, where they are explained to include 34 transgressions which contradict the gathering of virtuous doctrines and 12 which contradict activity on behalf of others the former comprise seven contradicting liberality, 9 contradicting moral discipline, four contradicting patience, three contradicting perseverence, three contradicting concentration, and 8 contradicting discriminative awareness the latter comprise those transgressions which separate 1 from general acts of benefit, and those which separate 1 from particular acts of benefit [gd-mk] [IW]
46 transgressions [refer to bodhisattvasamvaravims'aka [t 4081 they are also cited in jamgo"n kongtru"l, shes-bya kun-khyab mdzod, vol 2, pp 114-117, where they are explained to include 34 transgressions which contradict the gathering of virtuous doctrines and 12 which contradict activity on behalf of others the former comprise seven contradicting liberality, 9 contradicting moral discipline, four contradicting patience, three contradicting perseverence, three contradicting concentration, and 8 contradicting discriminative awareness the latter comprise those transgressions which separate 1 from general acts of benefit, and those which separate 1 from particular acts of benefit [gd-mk] [IW]