snga 'gyur
Early Translations. The teachings translated before the great translator Rinchen Sangpo, during the reigns of the Tibetan kings Trisong Deutsen and Ralpachen. A synonym for the Old School, the Nyingma tradition [RY]
early translation/ Nyingma school [IW]
early translation (school) [=rNying ma] [RB]
Early Translations, Early Translation School. A synonym for the Old School, the Nyingma tradition. The teachings translated before the great translator Rinchen Sangpo, during the reigns of the Tibetan kings Trisong Deutsen and Ralpachen [RY]
earlier translations, Early Translation, early translations of the rnying ma pa [JV]
Early Translation School, Ancient Translation School, Nyingma; the teachings of the Nyingma tradition which were translated in Tibet before the time of Smritijnanakirti [RY]