lce btsun snying tig

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Chets�n Nyingtig. One of the most important Dzogchen instructions, based on a transmission from Vimalamitra. Jamyang Khyentse had a vision of Chets�n Senge Wangchuk which inspired him to write the precious teaching known as Chets�n Nyingtig. Senge Wangchuk (11th-12th century) is among the lineage gurus in the Nyingtig transmission, which he received from his root guru, Dangma Lh�ngyal, as well as directly from Vimalamitra. As a result of his high level of realization, his physical body disappeared in rainbow light at the time of death. In a later reincarnation as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, he remembered the Dzogchen teachings which Senge Wangchuk had transmitted to the dakini Palgyi Lodr� and wrote them down as the terma Chets�n Nyingtig, the 'Heart Essence of Chets�n.' [RY]