cha med
usu. nothing left to divide; divisible to the point where nothing is left; indivisible; without different facets; unknown; lack of certainty/ foreknowledge; without a clue as to . . . [RB]
unpredictable; rgyus med cha med unfamiliar and unpredictable [RY]
1) without one part of the pair, alone, single. 2) partless, partlessness; indivisible, indivisible; without different facets; absolute 3) incomparable, 4) no/without certainty, not certain, unsure; unpredictability; unknown; lack of certainty/(fore)knowledge; without a clue as to. 5) without warning. 6) Syn rgyus med, having no knowledge/familiarity; "unknown". | mi cha med rgyus med la blo ma bcol, Do not trust/believe an unfamiliar, unknown man/person. ii) nges pa med, uncertain. khong gar song cha med red, His whereabouts are uncertain/unknown [RY]
w/o warning, undetermined, unfamiliar, unknown, uncertain, w/o 1 part of a pair, alone, single, partless, indivisible, absolute, incomparable, unpredictable [IW]
indivisible, partless, without warning, odd, unknown [JV]
of which you know nothing at all [RY]