cho ga

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way of /procedures for accomplishing/ performing a task [eg Sman bcos kyi..Mchod pa'i..Dkyil 'khor gyi..Dga' ston gyi] divide, separate [grangs su sdud pa'i cho ga] ceremonies of purification, method, religious observance, rite, ritual, ceremony, practice, sadhana practice, liturgy, service. ritual, ceremony [IW]

way of /procedures for accomplishing/ performing a task * divide, separate * ceremonies [of purification], method, religious observance, rite, ritual, practice, sadhana practice, liturgy, service [IW]

ritual, ceremony, practice, sadhana practice, liturgy, service; ceremonies of purification, method, religious observances, rites. liturgical presentation; sadhana, ritual for worship [RY]

ritual, method, ceremony, technique, way, rite, observance, magical rite, behavior, liturgy [JV]

ritual/ ceremony [RB]