rtul ba
1. (Tha dad pa brtul ba, brtul ba, rtul,, 1) summarize, gather into a place, gather the essence; 2) tame; 3) [arch] effort, exertion; 4) dull, weak, feeble; 2) courage; 3) [arch] soft, gentle ([IW]
dull, weak, feeble; rtul ba, brtul ba, brtul ba, rtul trans. v [RY]
1. (Tha dad pa) brtul ba, brtul ba, rtul,, 1) summarize, gather into a place, gather the essence [mjug sdud pa dang, phyogs gcig tu sdud pa dang, khu sdud pa,...Bkram pa'i dngos po rnams phyir rtul ba,...Rtsing spyod brtul ba]; 2) tame [Rta rgod thag sgrog gis bcings te rtul bar byed]; 3) (A) effort, exertion; 4) dull, weak, feeble [Brtson 'grus rtul bas las don mi 'grub,...Dbang po rtul bas tshig don ji bzhin go mi thub,...Mtshon cha rtul bas dgra bo 'joms mi thub,...Sman gyi yon tan rtul ba,...Sman nus rtul ba]; 2) courage [Dpa' ba,...Dgra bo thal bar rlog pa'i snying stobs rtul phod dang ldan pa]; 3) (A) soft, gentle [IW]