rten dang brten pa
the base and the based, a thing and its place, the support and that which it supports, the support and the supported [fx body and mind or structure and inhabitants], sanctuaries and sacred objects, temples and shrines, mandalas and deities, etc.] [mss] [RY]
rten dang brten par med pas dri za'i grong khyer lta bu As in a city of gandharvas, there is neither a dwelling nor anyone to dwell [RY]
the supports and the supported [thd]
base and based, support and supported, a thing and its place [EG example body and mind or structure and inhabitants], sanctuaries and sacred objects, temples and shrines, mandalas/ palaces and deities, etc] [IW]
structure and inhabitants, dimension and forms, mandala & deity [JV]
base and based, support and supported, a thing and its place [IW]