rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis

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twelve links of interdependent connection/ connectedness [RB]

12 links in the chain of interdependent causation [JV]

12 links/ aspects of interdependence [IW]

twelve aspects / links of inter dependence; twelve links / aspects of interdependence. the twelve links in the chain of interdependent causation [RY]

12 links/ aspects of interdependence [nang gi rten 'brel te bcud kyi sems can rnams 'byung ba'i tshul gyi rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis te, 'phen pa'i yan lag gsum dang, 'phangs pa'i yan lag bzhi dang, 'grub pa'i yan lag gsum dang, grub pa'i yan lag gnyis bcas bcu gnyis so (chn] [IW]