thur sel

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downward clearing/ voiding [wind/ prana] rlung thur sel of excretion /reproduction [Gdmk] [IW]

"the downwards-moving one", downward-voiding wind, corresponds to eliminative and reproductive system, purgation, clears downward passage, cause of excrement, downward clearing energy or wind, assists secretion, seat in genital center, 1 of rlung lnga, prana which purifies downward, downward clearing wind, descending rlung, downward motility wind, exorcism downwards, downward-clearing prana [JV]

downward clearing [wind]. downward voiding. rlung thur sel secretion / reproduction [RY]

downward clearing/ voiding [wind] [IW]

downward clearing/ voiding [wind] rlung thur sel. secretion /reproduction [Gd-mk] [IW]