dam pa drug ldan

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possessing the six excellencies [IW]

endowed with the six excellences [RY]

possessing the six excellencies [the six paramitas sgrub pa'i tshul dam pa drug dang ldan par nyams su blangs pa ste, 1 rten dam pa byang chub kyi sems dang ldan pa dang, two dngos po dam pa sbyin sogs phyogs re ma yin par gzhi thams cad la 'jug pa, three ched du bya ba dam pa sems can thams cad kyi don du spyod pa, four thabs dam pa 'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa'i shes rab kyis zin pa, five yongs bsngo dam pa bla med byang chub tu bsngo ba, six rnam dag dam pa sgrib gnyis kyi dngos gnyen du spyod pa rnams] [IW]