entity, benefit, object, significance, meaning, bare haeceity, (meaning, sensory) referent, truth, percept, substance, reality, message, meaning of spiritual teachings, pivot (from which to deal with it), (don is the fact that dmigs, rnam-pa and yul have meaning), (don meaning stong, dpe simile nam mkha', rtags characteristic gsal), SA rang don, gzhan don, abbr. for don dam, accomplishment, absolute, ultimate, actions, objective [JV]
major heading, topic, point [RY]
(ultimate) meaning/ sense; (actual/ true/ ultimate) significance/ implication/ purpose; what is meaningful (about . . . ); ultimacy; topic/ (ultimate) point; welfare/ benefit; (meaningful) object (of experience); value; isc. (to have/ be) ultimate(ly) existence/ ent [RB]
real; purpose/ essentially/ real, true/ a vital organ; points, topics/ meaning/ nature/ true; value. 2) object, thing, sense object, perceptible thing. 3) fact, identity. 4) true, real, ultimate, absolute, truth, actuality, reality. 5) topic, subject, aspect, category, classification. 6) purpose, benefit, reason, objective. 7) result, output, value, accomplishment, worth. 8) inner organs. 9) to go, come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon etc]; (actual/ true) meaning/ import/ purpose; topic/ (ultimate) point; welfare/ benefit; object (of experience). -don - ultimate point of. 2) object, thing, sense object, perceptible thing. 3) fact, identity. 4) true, real, ultimate, absolute, truth, actuality, reality. 5) topic, subject, aspect, category, classification. 6) purpose, benefit, reason, objective. 7) result, output, value, accomplishment, worth. 8) inner organs. 9) to go/ come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon etc]; affairs; 2 object, thing, sense object; perceptible thing; 3 fact, identity; 4 true, real, ultimate, absolute; truth, actuality, reality; 5 topic, subject, aspect; category, classification 6 purpose, benefit, reason, objective; 7 result, output, value, accomplishment, worth; 8 inner organs, 9 to go, come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon etc]; help/ benefit/ purpose/ chapter/ sign/ aim, goal/ nature; 1) meaning, sense, significance, knowledge, knowing. 2) object, thing, sense object, perceptible thing. 3) fact, identity. 4) true, real, ultimate, absolute, truth, actuality, reality. 5) topic, subject, aspect, category, classification. 6) purpose, benefit, reason, objective. 7) result, output, value, accomplishment, worth. 8) inner organs. 9) to go, come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon etc]. accomplishment, absolute, ultimate, objective, benefit, purpose, inner, meaning four applications of mindfulness, nature of wisdom devoid of words, reality, significance, meaning, benefit, truth, message, welfare; 1 meaning, sense, significance, knowledge, knowing; meaning, object, nature; meaning, real meaning, benefit, purpose, goal, [artha]; meaning, sense, significance, knowledge, knowing; object [of senses] [RY]
object; reality; meaning, significance; that which is; the fact; - point [RY]
. . . don - ultimate point/ significance of . . . [RB]
1) work, action, project; 2) benefit, welfare [R]; 2) meaning, sense, significance; 3) reality, truth, actuality; 4) purpose, reason, objective, result; 5) [grasped external/ sense object, perceptible thing (6) particle for 70s #s [R] (7) Nang khrol zhig (8) knowledge, knowing, fact (9) identity, topic, subject, aspect, category, classification (10) output, value [accomplishment, worth, inner [organs], actions, objective, four applications of mindfulness, nature of wisdom devoid of words, part plus (in numbers] (11) message (12) ultimate, absolute (13) go/ come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon [IW]
1) work, action, project; 2) benefit, welfare, interest; 2) meaning, sense, significance; 3) reality, truth, actuality, real true, genuine; 4) purpose, reason, objective, result; 5) [grasped external/ sense object, perceptible thing; 6) particle for 70s #s; 7) Nang khrol zhig; 8) knowledge, knowing, fact; 9) identity, topic, subject, aspect, category, classification; 10) output, value [accomplishment, worth, inner [organs], actions, objective, four applications of mindfulness, nature of wisdom devoid of words, part plus (in numbers]; 11) message; 12) ultimate, absolute; 13) go/ come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, thon; 14) affairs; 15) according to [IW]
reason, sake, more than, over, sense of anything, signification of anything, purpose, profit, advantage, affair, concern, business, welfare, advantage, good of a person, document, special request, written contract, agreement, letter to inferior person, sense, seventies particle, purpose, meaning, purposive connective, issue, *question, matter, syllable, fundamental principle, condition, true meaning, meaningful, ultimate meaning [JV]
1) work, action, project; 2) benefit [Spyi don,...Sger don,...Rang don,...Gzhan don]; 2) meaning; 3) reality; 4) grasped external object; 5) particle for 70s #s [Bdun cu] don lnga = 75] (6) Nang khrol zhig) [IW]
[external] object, meaning, object [thd]