nag po bzhi
the four black actions [According to the pagoda of precious gems ratnak ta, Tibet 45 93 as quoted in longchenpa, treasury of spiritual and philosophical systems, p 201, these are 1 to deceive the teacher who is worthy of reverence bla ma dang mchod par 'os pa bslus pa two to have a conscience but not with respect to others gzhan 'gyod pa'i gnas ma yin pa la 'gyod pa bskyed pa three to disparage those bodhisattvas who have cultivated an enlightened attitude sems bskyed pa'i byang chub sems dpa' la bsngags pa ma yin pa'i mi snyan pa and four to act towards others without higher motivation but with unworthy speech, deceit, and guile brjod pa ma yin pa'i sgras tshigs su bcad pa brjod pa dang sgyu dang gyos gzhan la nye bar spyod kyis lhag pa'i bsam pas ma yin pa [gd-mk] [IW]
four black deeds; see nag po'i chos bzhi [RY]
the four black actions [IW]