rnam snang chos bdun
Seven-point posture of Vairochana [RY]
7-fold [posture dharmas] of Vairochana CHN [IW]
Sevenfold posture of Vairochana. This position is described as the legs in full lotus, the spine straight, the shoulders broadened, the neck slightly bent, the hands in the gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, and the gaze placed in the direction of the nose [RY]
the sevenfold [posture] of Vairochana [RY]
Seven-point Posture of Vairochana [RY]
7 venerable sermons of vairocana, 7 point posture of vairocana (crossed legs, hands in fists or right over left or on knees, shoulders raised and slightly forward, spine straight, chin tucked slightly toward throat, tongue tip touching palate, eyes unblinking and unwavering 12 finger-breadths from tip of nose), seven dharmas of Vairocana, sevenfold posture of Vairochana (legs in full lotus, spine straight, shoulders broadened, neck slightly bent, hands in gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, the gaze placed in the direction of the nose), Vairochana position with seven characteristics [JV]
the 7 dharmas of Vairochana [rkang pa skyil krung, lag pa mnyam gzhag sgal tshigs drang po bsrang ba, mgrin pa cung zad gug pa, dpung pa rgod gshog ltar brgyang ba, mig sna rtser phab pa, lce rtse ya rkan la sbyar ba ste bdun no] [IW]
7 venerable sermons of vairocana, 7 point posture of vairocana (crossed legs, hands in fists or right over left or on knees, shoulders raised and slightly forward, spine straight, chin tucked slightly toward throat, tongue tip touching palate, eyes unblinking and unwavering 12 finger-breadths from tip of nose), seven dharmas of Vairocana, sevenfold posture of Vairochana (legs in full lotus, spine straight, shoulders broadened, neck slightly bent, hands in gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, the gaze placed in the direction of the nose), Vairochana position with seven characteristics, seven-fold Vairochana posture [JV]