snod bcud

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environment and inhabitants [IW]

the universe; the (inanimate and animate) world as a container and its contents [RB]

the inanimate and animate world as a container and its contents; world and beings; place and its inhabitants, container and its contents, sentient beings, environment and inhabitants, the world and beings, the vessel and its contents; environment and inhabitants, the world and its inhabitants, the inanimate world and the animate beings, container and contained, structure and contents, vessel and contents, the world and its inhabitants. environment and inhabitants [RY]

the universe and beings; environment and inhabitants [RY]

worlds and inhabitants [RY]

container world and the living beings in it, the world as vessel and the sentient beings as its content, universe and its inhabitants, material world and its inhabitants, environments & their inhabitants, world of inanimate and sentient beings, environment and inhabitants, animate and inanimate worlds, all the universe and beings, all the animate and inanimate world, vase & substance, universe, world and its beings, universe and its beings [JV]

1) the external vessel/ place the world and its contents SBs, environment/ world and inhabitants, the world and beings, the world and beings; 2) vessel/ container/ structure and contents, container and contained TSE [IW]

Jamg�n Kongtr�l: phyi snod kyi 'jig rten dang nang bcod kyi skye 'gro the vessel-like external worlds and their inner contents of sentient beings [RY]

container world and the living beings in it, the world as vessel and the sentient beings as its content, universe and its inhabitants, material world and its inhabitants, environments & their inhabitants, world of inanimate and sentient beings, environment and inhabitants, animate and inanimate worlds, all the universe and beings, all the animate and inanimate world, vase & substance, universe, world and its beings, universe and its beings, dimensions and beings, universe of dimensions and beings, universe with its beings, the world as container and the beings as its contents [JV]