'pho ba
rang rgyud la 'pho ba that they may receive in themselves [RY]
Phowa. Ejection of consciousness to a buddhafield at the moment of death [RY]
1) transport/ transfer; 2) go; 3) death; 4) changing [emanating, descent, ejection, dying, ejection of consciousness, change place, shift the transformation at death into a higher realm of existence] [IW]
90 minute period, change, transform, transfer, transmigration, change place, go, move oneself away, migrate, depart, shift, descent, ejection, alter, SA spo ba, meditation on transferring the consciousness, movement, cycle of breaths, force of the breath, flowing of the breath [JV]
transference of consciousness; to transfer/ shift; isc. shift in perspective/ paradigm shift [RB]
phowa, transference of consciousness [RY]
'pho ba, 'phos pa, 'pho ba intr. v.; the transference of consciousness; to transfer, shift, transit, transpose; transformation; changing, emanating, descent, ejection, dying, ejection of consciousness, transferring, to change place, shift. the transformation at death into a higher realm of existence. ft. of 'pho ba; transference of consciousness; to transfer/ shift; to transmit; to enter [the heart]; to be transferred [RY]
ejection of consciousness A yogic practice in which consciousness leaves the body. One of the yogas of Naropa [RY]
1) transport/ transfer; 2) go; 3) death; 4) changing [IW]