bar chad
hindrance, interruption, obstacle, obstruction, danger, difficulties, SA bar chod, calamity, disaster, misfortune, obstacles [JV]
obstacle - (inanimate); obstructor (animate) [RB]
obstacle, interruption, hindrance, interruption, obstruction, interference; obstacle (inanimate); obstructer (animate); intermediate state, 2) accident, mishap, danger, problem [RY]
1) conditions of harm; 2) obstructing spirits/geks; 3) obstacles, hindrance danger [to life, happiness, the path or any project.]; 2) break, interruption; 4) mishap) [IW]
1) conditions of harm; 2) obstructing spirits/ geks; 3) obstruction, obstacle, hindrance, danger; 2) break, interruption; 4) mishap, misfortune, accident [IW]
dangers [RY]
frustration of bsam pa'i bar chad the frustration of their wishes [RY]