byang chub sems dpa'i sa bcu

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10 levels/ bhumis of the bodhisattva [IW]

10 levels/ bhumis of the bodhisattva rab du dga' ba [[pramudita_-bhu_mi) - the joyous dri ma med pa (vimal bh mi) - the immaculate 'od byed pa (arcushmat bh mi) - the light giving 4) 'od 'phro can (arcishat bh mi) - the radiant 5) shin du spyong dka' ba (sudurjay bh mi) - difficult to conquer 6) mngon du gyur pa (abhimukh bh mi) - the presencing 7) ring du song ba (d ra am bh mi) - the far-reaching 8) mi gyo ba (acal bh mi) - the unswerving 9) legs pa'i blo gros (s dhumat bh mi) - of fine discernemnt 10) [[dharmamegh bh mi) - the cloud of dharma chn. rab tu dga' ba dang, dri ma med pa, 'od byed pa, 'od 'phro ba, shin tu sbyang dka' ba, mngon du gyur pa, ring du song ba, mi gyo ba, legs pa'i blo gros, chos kyi sprin] [IW]

Ten bodhisattva stages [RY]

ten stages of the bodhisattva, 1) rab du dga' ba pramudita bhumi - the joyous. 2) dri ma med pa [vimalabhumi] - the immaculate. 3) 'od byed pa [arcusmatibhumi] - the light giving. 4) 'od 'phro can [arcismatibhumi] - the radiant. 5) shin du sbyong dka' ba [sudurjayabhumi] - difficult to conquer. 6) mngon du gyur pa [abhimukhibhumi] - the presencing. 7) ring du song ba [duramgamabhumi] - the far-reaching. 8) mi g.yo ba [acalabhumi] - the unswerving. 9) legs pa'i blo gros [sadhumatibhumi] - of fine discernment. 10) dharmameghabhumi - the cloud of dharma [RY]