dbang phyug
Ishvara. 'Lord", Hindu non-sectarian term for 'God', but sometimes treated as synonymous with Shiva [RY]
God, Creator [ggd] [RY]
1) glorious, perfect; 2) the deity dbang phyug; 3) fire ox year; 4) 11 [IW]
Rich with Power; n of year [RY]
1) "the all-mighty," believed by some non-Buddhist to be the creator of the world. 2) Lord, sovereign, all-mighty, Maheshvara, Ishvara, God, as creator. lordship, ex. rnal 'byor gyi dbang phug the lord of the yogis. 3) the 11th year of rab byung Syn me mo glang; 3) Ishvara, [the 11th year, the Female Fire Ox]; Lord, God; powerful; powerful lord [RY]
"the all-mighty," creator of the world, Lord, sovereign, maheshvara, ishvara, god, lord, 11th year of [[rab byung, me mo glang female fire ox [IW]
an Almighty [RY]
great being (shiva?), ishvara, mighty, greater than the rest, lordship, lord, sovereign, female guardian, (general name for a bodhisattva), powerful and rich, master, god, Isvara [JV]
powerful lord [RB]
pha'i dbang phyug dpal 'byor thams cad thob gained all the attractive qualities of the / obtained as much wealth and glory as his father [RY]
'phags pa'i yul gyi dbang phyug India's siddhas [RY]