ma mo rbod gtong

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1 of sgrub pa bka' brgyad [JV]

command of mamo; Matari the Liberating Sorcery; [worldly deities of] inciting and dispatching, see one of sgrub pa bka' brgyad Matari the liberating sorcery. One of bka' brgyad one of the 'jig rten pa'i sde gsum three categories of worldly deities; one of sgrub pa sde brgyad [RY]

M tar the liberating sorcery [IW]

(worldly deities of) inciting and dispatching, M tar the liberating sorcery (one of sgrub pa bka' brgyad one of bka' brgyad one of the 'jig rten pa'i sde gsum = three categories of worldly deities) [IW]

Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities. One of the Eight Sadhana Teachings of Mahayoga [RY]