mang bkur ba

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those who should be respected [IW]

slob dpon skye bo mang pos bkur sti byas pa'i rigs 'dzin pas yin la/ sde pa de ni a ba bhang sha zur chag gi skad/ mkhan po 'dreg mkhan gyi rigs 'dul ba 'dzin pa'i mchog nye bar 'khor/ snam sbyar gnas brtan pa dang mthun/ ming 'bangs dang sde'i mtha' can/ grub mtha' brjod du med pa'i bdag yod pa dang/ shes bya thams cad brjod du yod med gnyis su sdud pa dang/ 'dus byas rgyun brtan pa rnams 'jig byed don gzhan gyis 'jig pa dang/ mthong lam skad cig bcu gnyis man yin pa sogs la 'dod do [RY]

"those who should be respected" one of the rtsa ba'i sde bzhi of Shravakayana, one of the four major Vinaya schools. Mahasangmata, [one of rtsa ba'i sde bzhi of the nyan thos kyi theg pa, "those who should be respected"] [RY]

[Mahasammata] one of the four main schools of Vinaya in India [RY]

those who should be respected [one of the rtsa ba'i sde bzhi of Sr vakay na, 1 of the four major vinaya schools mah sangmata [[mang bkur ba - (mah sa mata) one of the four main schools of vinaya in india [IW]