tshogs sgrub

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group practice, Mahayoga practice that includes large gathering with twenty-four hour mantra recitation [RY]

[= [[tshogs kyi tshogs sgrub pa.] [IW]

group feast practice * Assembly sadhana, practice of gathering the accumulations [producing the goal of mahayana tshogs kyi sgrub pa ste, having aroused bodhicitta establishing the two benmefits bya ba gang zhig having as intrinsic fruition actual enlightenment, sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses] [IW]

group feast practice [R] [IW]

group feast practice, Assembly sadhana [sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses, producing the goal of entering into the mahayana tshogs kyi sgrub pa; depending on arousing the bodhicitta[/ wish for enlightenment] of mahayana, the two benefits [for self and other] sgrub pa'i bya ba bestowing as intrinsic fruition actual enlightenment] [IW]

Assembly sadhana. sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses, theg chen la zhugs pa mthar phyin byed tshogs kyi sgrub pa ste, theg chen sems bskyed la brten nas don gnyis sgrub pa'i bya ba gang zhig rang 'bras byang chub chen por dngos su 'byin par bya ba'o [IW]

Assembly sadhana. Syn tshogs kyi tshogs sgrub pa [RY]