'o brgyal

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1) difficult and tiring, fatigue, weariness; 2) * good health; 3) thanks; 4) trouble, hard time, hassle, inconvenience, want; 5) be weary, grow faint, suffer [IW]

fatigue, weariness, trouble, want, any kind of hardship [JV]

1) difficult and tiring, fatigue; 2) [guests setting out to travel] good health; 3) thanks,)/ [fatigue, weariness, want, inconvenience, trouble, hard time, weariness, hassle, fatigue, inconvenience be weary, grow faint, suffer, grow faint] [IW]

hardship; fatigue, weariness, want, inconvenience, trouble, hard time, weariness, hassle, to be weary, grow faint, suffer, to grow faint, fatigue, inconvenience [RY]

up a leather pouch with milk [RY]