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1) Tha dad par lug pa!; 2) manner, tradition, rule, custom, fashion; 2) poured things, casting, foundry work; 3) about, concerning, the reason for [yong lugs bshad pa: told why they had come] [IW]

1) Tha dad par lug pa!; 2) manner, tradition, rule, custom, fashion; 2) poured things, casting, foundry work; 3) about, concerning, the reason for [IW]

imp. of lug pa; approach, system, method, tradition, the casting, founding [RY]

status, tradition, line of thought, order, systems of thought, SA yin lugs, mode, casting, founding, of metal, way, manner, fashion, mode, method, opinion, view, judgment, style of proceeding, established manner, custom, usage, rite, "manner" construction particle, principle, model [JV]

approach, system, method, tradition, casting, founding metal TSE [IW]

approach, system, tradition, way [thd]

verb + lugs - way of doing the verb [RY]

lugs srol tradition; system; custom [RB]