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joke, jest, fun, cause of contention, object of a dispute, matter in dispute, quarrel in general [JV]

1) Das: = kha shags. i) joke, jest, fun; shags che pa byed pa, to rally maliciously, to turn into ridicule with sarcasm; ngan shags, bad joke. ii) cause of contention, object of a dispute or quarrel, matter in dispute, quarrel in general. 2) CM: i) bzhad gad slong res byed pa'i dga' rtsod kyi glu gzhas. E.g., gzhas shags rgyag pa, shog khag phye ste shags 'debs byed pa. ii) kha mchu rgyag pa'i rtsod gtam. E.g's. khrims sar shags 'byed pa/ mtshang 'bru'i shags 'debs pa/ kha shags rdugs pa/ rtsod shags rgyag mtshans mi 'jog pa/ shgas 'byed pa/ shags rgyal ba. [mss] [RY]

1) humorous song; 2) argument in a lawsuit [IW]