sangs rgyas kyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad
18 distinct dharmas/qualities of the buddhas [IW]
Eighteen Distinct Doctrines of the Buddhas. The tathagatas are without bewilderment 'khrul pa med pa, they are noiseless ca co med pa, they are without forgetfulness bsnyel ba med pa, they are without an unbalanced mind sems mnyam par ma gzhag pa med pa, they are without diverse cognitions tha dad pa'i 'du shes med pa, they are without the equanimity which does not make distinction so sor ma rtogs pa'i btang snyoms med pa, they do not degenerate in their devotion 'dun pa nyams pa med pa, nor in their perseverance brtson 'grus nyams pa med pa, nor in their recollection dran pa nyams pa med pa, nor in their contemplation ting 'dzin nyams pa med pa, nor in their discriminative awareness shes rab nyams pa med pa, nor in their liberation rnam grol nyams pa med pa, all the activities of their bodies are preceded by pristine cognition and pursue pristine cognition lus kyi ... [6 missing?]; [TRS 49-5] [RY]
eighteen distinctive qualities/ factors/ features unique to buddhas and unshared [with ordinary beings] [RB]