'gal 'du ltag sprod
. . . dang 'gal ba - to be incompatible with/ mutually exclusive; to subvert [RB]
'gal ba, 'gal ba, 'gal ba intr. v.; a breach; Virodhin, [the 23rd year, Female Earth Ox]. contradictory, obstruction, to be in opposition or contradiction to, to oppose, contravene, contradict, breach, violation, go against, disagree violation, transgression, incompatibility, conflict, contrary, inconsistency, contradiction. mi 'gal ba non-contradictory. contradiction; to contradict [RY]
contradiction; to contradict/ be at odds with [RB]
contradiction, violate, commit, adverse, go against, contradictory, transgress, contradict, disagree, mistake, contradiction [JV]
contradict, conflict, incompatibility [RY]
conflict, contradict, incompatibility [thd]
1) incompatible; 2) contradictory [with]; 3) incompatible descriptions [which cannot apply to the same thing [eternal/ thing, fire/ water]; 4) sa glang lo, Virodhin, (the (23rd year, = female earth ox; 5) transgress[ion], violate[ion] of [vows, discipline] [IW]
exclusive, contradiction [ggd] [RY]
dang mi 'gal ba byed pa to avoid doing anything which conflicts with [RY]
contradiction, violate, commit, adverse, go against, contradictory, transgress, contradict, disagree, mistake, contradiction, to be at odds with [JV]
contradiction, violate, commit, adverse, go against, contradictory, transgress, contradict, disagree, mistake, contradiction, to be at odds with [JV]