'gal ba'i rgyan drug
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having a contradictory form [1of the ornaments of having a contradictory form [R] [IW]
having a contradictory form [IW]
having a contradictory form [one of the ornaments of having a contradictory form 'gal ba'i gzugs can gyi rgyan [, dpe can don gyi dngos po gang rung zhig the exemplifying thing is not properly done/a proper object? dpe'i dngos po 'os pa'i bya ba mi byed cing, and is an ornament of putting forward a thing which is not properly done/a proper object? having a contradiction-producing form 'os min gyi bya ba 'gal ba byed mkhan gyi gzugs can du bkod pa'i rgyan.] [IW]