Stephen Aldridge
Short Description
Stephen Aldridge (Ka-rma gSung-rab rgya-mtsho) lives in Oakland, California. Since 1986, Stephen has traveled on pilgrimage or for retreat in Tibet, Amdo and Kham, while also researching Buddhist texts. In recent years he has been focusing on lam yig literature and high-altitude retreat texts (ri chos).
Main Teachers
Chime Rinpoche ('Chi med g.yung drung rin po che), Ka-nying lineage, Hiroshi Sonami (bSod nams rgya mtsho rin po che), Sa-nying lineage, Karmpa 16 (Rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje), Ka-nying, Lama Pema Dorje (bLa ma Pad ma rdo rje), Ka-nying
Published Works
Active Projects
==Unpublished Works== (completed)
Three Experiences (snang gsum mdzes rgyan by dkon mchog lhun grub) with Hiroshi Sonami
Pilgrims' Guide to Minyag Sacred Sites - Gangs dkar gyi gnas yig dang gnas 'dus skabs kyi phan yon mdor bsdus dad pa'i sa bon by Gangs dkar rin po che
The Incarnation from White Glacier Mountain - ‘Bo Gangs dkar sprul sku’i rnam thar dad pa'i pad dkar bzhugs by Mi-Nyag mGon-po
A Prophecy of Things to Come - Ma 'ongs lung bstan gsal byed sgron me by 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse dbang po
==Research/pilgrimage== (incomplete)