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foe destroyer [thd]

arhatship, hinayana saint, arhat (1 of lam bzhi) one who has subdued his enemy, Arhat who has overcome emotional conflicts, Foe Destroyer, saint, perfect saint [JV]

Arhat, Subduer of Foes, Worthy One; one who have overcome emotional conflicts; Foe Destroyer, saint, enemy slayer, one who has slain the foe of conflicting emotion and reached the highest result of the vehicles of pious attendants. the status of an arhat. slayer of the foe, one who has vanquished the foe, perfect saint [RY]

Arhat, one who has vanquished his enemies, the obscuring emotions (kleshas). The highest level attained by shravakas and pratyekabuddhas [RY]

(arhanta) Arhat [foe destroyer, enemy slayer, the status of an arhat (one who has slain the foe of conflicting emotion, and overcome the enemy the four maras and reached the highest result of the vehicles of pious attendants [IW]

arhat/ "one who has vanquished the foe" [RB]

saint [RY]

Arhat (arhat): in Tibetan Drachompa (dgra bcom pa), means `the one who has defeated the enemy' with the same meaning as above. [MR]

(aarhanta arhat [IW]