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Dharmadhatu (chos kyi dbyings) - The 'realm of phenomena'; the suchness in which emptiness and dependent origination are inseparable.

The nature of mind and phenomena which lies beyond arising, dwelling and ceasing. In his Buddha Nature, Thrangu Rinpoche said: "In this context, the word for space is ying (dbyings). It is the same word used in dharmadhatu, the realm or 'space' of things. The word space is used because the dharmadhatu is like the body or realm of empty space where different things, like clouds, birds, and airplanes can fly around without obstruction. This is because the nature of space is empty and nonexistent. Due to this quality of openness, things can occur. Likewise, dharmadhatu is the essence of things — empty and inconcrete where all phenomena such as trees, houses, mountains, oneself, other beings, emotions, wisdom, and all experiences can occur openly." [RY]