'gro ba mi

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the four kinds of beings [IW]

the four kinds of beings [to be kept separate from secret teachings, explained in the vinaya [by a teacher of the secret teachings to be established la obstacles 'dri bar 'four kinds of beings must be separate: 1 'dun pas 'gro ba zhes pa what is to be established and the secret teacher are compatible, though obstacles exist gsang nas not spoken, two 'jigs pas 'gro ba zhes pa the secret teacher that to be established la having become frightened one will not be able to speak, three by aggression 'gro ba zhes pa the secret teacher and what is to be established if they do not accord, wrongly spoken, four by stupidity 'gro ba zhes pa to what is to be established not knowing whether they exist or not. (chn] [IW]

the 4 kinds of beings [to be kept separate from secret teachings, explained in the Vinaya] [RY]

the four kinds of beings [to be kept separate from secret teachings, explained in the vinaya [R] [IW]