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sngags gsum - three kinds of mantras. Gnostic mantras {rigs sngags} vidyamantra - dharani mantras {gzung sngags} and secret mantras {gsang sngags} or guhyamantra. Gnostic mantras are the essence of skillful means, dharanis are the essence of discriminative awareness, and secret mantras are the non-dual pristine cognition [RY]

tshe mdo tshe gzungs - long life sutras and dharanis [IW]

tshe 'phel thabs kyi mdo sde dang gzungs sngags - long life sutras and dharanis [IW]

gzungs kyi tshig - dharanis and mantras [IW]

gzungs khebs - [silk] cover for scroll of dharanis [IW]

gzungs lnga - five kinds of dharanis to be offered together [IW]

gzungs sngags - dharanis and mantras [IW]

gzungs chen po - count of dharanis [IW]

gzungs rten - statue w dharanis mantras etc. inside [IW]

gzungs 'dus - [by the Jonangpa Taranatha from the sutras and tantras a vol. of dharanis and mantras and chos tshan] [IW]

gzungs dpag tu med pa - limitless number of dharanis and mantras [IW]

gzungs gzhug - ring bsrel, dharanis, to be put into a chorten or statue [IW]

gsang sngags - secret mantras. Guhyamantra, the Secret Mantrayana, the esoteric teachings, secret religious instruction; secret mantra; Guhyamantra, Mantra. The secret mantras, 'secret and extolled'. The {dgongs pa grub pa'i rgyud} says, "One should know that all mantras are divided into three classes, Gnostic mantras which are the essence of skillful means, dharanis which are the essence of discriminative awareness, and secret mantras which are non-dual pristine cognition." Thus dharanis originate from the teachings of the Transcendent Perfection of Discriminative Awareness, Gnostic mantras from the Kriya tantra and secret mantras from the Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga. 1) Secret Mantra. 2) seal. 3) the esoteric teachings; the Secret Mantras (Syn. Vajrayana) [RY]