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bskyed rim snang zhen sbyong ba - to purify the clinging to the appearances of the development stage [RY]

khyod kyi lce bcad pas sdig pa mi 'dag gi - cutting off your tongue does not purify evil actions! [RY]

kun nyon dang rnam byang - affliction and perfection / total purification [RY]

kun nas nyong mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba yang dag par ston pa - the teacher of the afflictions of the kleshas and of their complete purification [IW]

kun nas nyong mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba yongs su tshol ba - thorough investigation of the afflictions of the kleshas and of their complete purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - the side of the kleshas,[suffering and its origin] and that of enlightenment, [the path and cessation], affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - affliction and perfection / total purification. Syn {'khor 'das} samsara and nirvana [RY]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - affliction and perfection/total purification [sdug kun gnyis kun nas nyon mongs pa and 'gog lam gnyis rnam byang.] [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dag - affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dang ldang ba thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs - the power of knowng affliction and perfection/total purification [the power of knowing of samadhi, liberation, samapapatte dhyana etc.] [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba'i mtshan nyid - the characteristics of affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun sbyong - thorough purification [IW]

khrus - to bathe, purify; 1) washing, bath, ablution. 2) Syn {khrud} 3) bathing water. 4) pf. of {'khrud} and {khru} 5) imp. of {'khrud pa} Syn {khrus rgyag pa}; imp. of {'khrud pa} [RY]

khrus chog - a purifying ritual (bath); purification ritual {khregs chod gzhi'i gnas lugs} ground nature of Trekchö [RY]

'khrul pa dwangs pa - to purify illusion [JV]

'khrul pa sbyong pa - to purify one's delusion [RY]

'khrul pa sbyong pa - purify delusion [IW]

goms sbyang - purify through familiarity [IW]

glo bur byong ba - purify the incidental [IW]

glo bur sbyong ba - purifying the temporary [RY]

dgag dbye - stopped, obstructed, 1 of 3 principal ceremonies performed in order to purify the pratimoksa precepts [JV]

dge ba - virtuous; syn {legs spyad dang gtsang byed} good deeds or purifying actions [RY]

dngos dri ma de gsal sangs rgyas - purifying these stains of solidity is buddhahood [IW]