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kA pa li tA ra - Bhattarika Kapala Tara; n. of one of the aspects of the goddess Tara [RY]

ka pa li ta ra - bhattarika kapala-Tara [aspect of the goddess tara] [IW]

ku ru ku le - Kurukulla, red Tara, for wealth & unhappy lovers, Om Kurukulle Hum Hrih Svaha, SA ku ru kul le [JV]

ku ru ku le - Kurukulle. {rig byed ma} [red female deity, manifestation of Tara]. Syn {dbang gi lha mo} [RY]

ku ru ku le - [Skt] Kurukulle [sa skya'i gser chos etc. {dbang gi lha mo} {rig byed ma} (red, manifestation of Tara] [IW]

ku ru kul le - Kurukulle. Female deity considered a form of Tara, whose particular function is magnetizing, hence Her red color [RY]

kun mkhyen jo nang tA ra na thA kun dga' snying po - Jetsün Taranatha, Kunga Nyingpo: b1575 [RY]

bka' gdams sgrol ma bcu gnyis - The twelve Taras of the Kadampa Tradition. 1) {gtso bo dmag zor ma}. 2) {ma gcig dpal gyi lha mo}. 3) {ma gcig rdo rje rab brtan ma}. 4) {lha mo bdud sol ma}. 5) {lha mo phyag bzhi ma}. 6) {lha mo dus mtshan ma}. 7) {rang byung rgyal mo}. 8) {lha mo nam mkha'i gos can}. 9) {lha mo nam gru ma}. 10) {lha mo tsaN ti ka}. 11) {lha mo ye ka dza ti}. 12) {la stod a phyi chos sgron} [RY]

bka' gdams pa'i sgrol ma bcu gnyis - the 12 Taras of the Kadampa school [RY]

bka' gdams lha bzhi - four deities of the Kadampa [Shakyamuni, Achala (Akshobhya), Avalokiteshvara, Tara {mi gyo ba}, {sgrol ma}, {spyan ras gzigs}, {sha kya thub pa} [IW]

bka' gdams lha bzhi - four deities, worshipped by the Kadampa sect: a) Shakyamuni. b) Avalokiteshvara. c) Akshobhya. d) Tara; four deities of the Kadampa. 1) Shakyamuni. 2) Achala [Akshobhya]. 3) Avalokiteshvara. 4) Tara. 1) {mi g.yo ba}. 2) {sgril ma}. 3) {spyan ras gzigs}. 4) {sha kya thub pa} [RY]

skor tsho chen po rnam pa bzhi - Four major sets of teaching. Four divisions of Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel. Sheldam Nyingjang, Ladrub, Köljang, and Kyepar gyi lha bzhi. Four divisions of Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel: The root tantra Sheldam Nyingjang including branch sadhanas, the three versions of Guru Sadhana, the three Concise Manuals, and the sadhanas for the Four Divinities who Dispel Obstacles - Tara, Achala, Dorje Bechön and Mewa Tsekpa [RY]

skyol ma - goddess Tara [IW]

skyol ma - epith. of the goddess Tara [RY]

khal kha rje btsun dam pa - Bogdo Gegen [the Incarnated Lama of Mongolia]; Gelukpa high tulku, 1st incarnation said to be dge slong Taranatha [RY]

khro gnyer can ma - the Frowning one [aspect of Tara, epithet of palden lhamo] [IW]

khro gnyer can ma - Frowning One, a wrathful aspect of Tara [RY]

khro gnyer can ma - Tronyer Chenma the Frowning One, a wrathful aspect of Tara [RY]

khro gnyer can ma - Bkrkuti, yellow tara (frown), yellow frowning Tara, she whose face is wrinkled with anger [JV]

khro gnyer can ma - the Frowning One, an aspect of Jetsün Tara, epithet of Palden Lhamo [RY]

mkha' la ring du bzhugs pa - epithet. of the goddess Tara [RY]

mkha' la ring du bzhugs pa - Tara [IW]

glong thang sgrol ma lha khang - the Tara Temple at Longtang [RY]

dgan ldan phun tshogs ling - monastery west of Tashi lungo in Tshang where formerly Taranatha lived [IW]

dga' ldan phun tsogs gling - Ganden Phuntsok Ling [monastery in gzhis ka rtze kron chus, lha rtze rdzong, founded by Taranatha, old name rtag brtan phun tsogs gling, changed by the 5th Dalai Lama] [IW]

dge ma - 1) nun; 2) old woman; 3) Tara [IW]

rgyal po'i rol thabs - posture of "royal enjoyment". With the right leg extended somewhat, as for example in Tara's posture. posture of royal ease [RY]

rgyal ma - 1) Tara; 2) goddess Uma [IW]

rgyal yum - / Queen mother; 2) high tulku's mother [EG Dalai Lama]; 3) Prajnaparamita in 100,000 Shlokas; 4) Tara) [IW]

rgyal yum - 1) king's/ royal mother/ Queen Mother; 2) high tulku's/ Dalai Lama's mother; 3) Prajnaparamita in 100,000 Shlokas; 4) Tara [IW]

sgrub thabs rin 'byung brgya rtsa - Hundred Sadhanas, Source of Jewels, a collection of sadhanas gathered and arranged by Jetsün Taranatha [RY]

sgrub thabs rin 'byung brgya rtsa - collection of sadhanas gathered and arranged by Jetsün Taranatha [RY]

sgrol dkar - White Tara; [deity] White Tara, the Savioress, Sitatara; White Tara [RY]

sgrol dkar spyan bdun - white Tara of the seven eyes [RY]

sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo - Wishfulfilling Wheel of White Tara [RY]

sgrol dkar yid bzhin gyi 'khor lo - Wishfulfilling Wheel of White Tara; White Tara [RY]

sgrol chog - Tara practice [RY]

sgrol chog - [4 mandala] Tara ritual [IW]

sgrol ljang - Shyamatara, Green Tara [IW]

sgrol ljang - Shyamatara, green Tara [RY]

sgrol ma - 1) [deity] Tara, the Savioress, Goddess Tara [mother who saves us from the suffering of worldly existence]. 2) the consort of Amoghasiddhi [RY]

sgrol ma - 1) [deity] Tara, the savioress [IW]

sgrol ma - Tara. The Savioress, She who Takes (beings) Across (the Ocean of Samsara) [RY]

sgrol ma - Tara [RY]

sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs - sadhana of White Tara [IW]

sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs - samadhi of White Tara [RY]

sgrol ma dkyil 'khor - Tara mandala [RY]

sgrol ma khro gnyer can - wrathful Tara [RY]

sgrol ma khro gnyer can - Wrathful-Frowning Tara [RY]

sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad skyob - the Tara who saves from the eight fears [RY]

sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad skyob - Tara protecting from the 8 dangers [IW]

sgrol ma nyi shu rtsa gcig - the 21 Taras [RY]

sgrol ma thon - pray to Tara! [RY]

sgrol ma rtsa ba'i sngags kyis bstod pa - Skt. Ugratara Mulamantra Stotra, T 1725 - Praises to Tara [RY]

sgrol ma g.yul zlog - the Tara who wards off invasions [RY]

sgrol ma la phyag 'tshal nyi shu rtsa gcig gis bstod pa - the praise through homage / salutation to the twenty-one Taras [RY]

sgrol ma gsung byon ma - a Tara statue who spoke [RY]

sgrol ma lha mo - Tara Goddess. 'Divine Savioress.' A important female bodhisattva of compassion, the one who takes beings across the ocean of samsara. There are twenty-one forms of Tara while the most popular are the white and green Taras [RY]

sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs - Tara sadhana [RY]

sgrol sher - [4 mandala] Tara ritual and Heart Sutra [IW]

ngam ta ra klu gong - Ngam Tara Lugong; minister of khri srong lde'u btsan [RY]

bcom ldan 'das ma - Bhagavati [eg. Tara, rje btzun 'phags ma sgrol ma] [IW]

chos kyi dpal mo - Tara [IW]

jo nang - Jonangpa. The lineage of masters of the Shentong School who were known by their monastery at Jomo Nang. They include Yumo Mikyö Dorje, the founder of the school, Tukje Tsöndrü, Dölpowa Sherab Gyaltsen and Taranatha [RY]

jo nang rje btsun - Taranatha, {jo nang pa} b. 1575 [RY]

jo nang pa - Jonangpa. p.n. of a sect. [name of a Buddhist school in Tibet]; Taranatha, b. 1575 [RY]

jo nang pa - Jonangpa. Another name for Jetsün Taranatha [RY]

jo mo - Jomo, [Tara]; 1) noblewoman, queen, woman of high rank, lady, mistress. 2) goddess. 3) nun [RY]

jo lugs sgrol dkar - White Tara from Atisha's tradition [RY]

'jam dpal rdo rje lha bco dgu - Nineteen Deity Mandala of Manjuvajra: Manjushrivajra Guhyasamaja, Vairochana, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, Lochana, Mamaki, Pandaravasini, Tara, {gzugs rdo rje ma}, {sgra rdo rje ma}, {dri rdo rje ma}, {ro rdo rje ma}, {reg bya rdo rje ma}, {chos dbyings rdo rje ma}, {gshin rje gshed}, {shes rab mthar byed}, {pad ma mthar byed}, {bgegs mthar byed} [RY]

'jigs brgyad skyob ma - Tara, who protects against the eight types of fear [RY]

'jigs pa kun sel - Tara terma of Chokgyur Lingpa [RY]

rje btsun sgrol ma - Jetsun Tara [IW]

rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa rgya za kong jo - the Chinese princess Kongjo, a manifestation of Tara [RY]

rje btsun ta ra na tha kun dga' snying po - 1575-1635 - Taranatha Kunga Nyingpo (1575-1635), the most eminent master of the Jonang tradition. [RY]

rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa - the Sublime Omniscient One; Taranatha [RY]

rje btsun yid bzhin 'khor lo - Tara in the form of bhatt'arika cint'amanicakra [RY]

nyi sgrol byed - male wood monkey year, Tarana, [the 18th year [IW]

nyi sgrol byed - Syn {shing so sprel} Tarana, [the 18th year, the Male Wood Monkey] [RY]

snye thang sgrol ma - Tara of Nyethang [RY]

snye thang sgrol ma lha khang - Tara Temple of Nyethang; Nyethang Drölma Lhakhang, Tara Temple, where Atisha passed away, in U [Central Tibet] [RY]

snye thang sgrol ma lha khang - The Tara Temple of Nyethang, south of Lhasa, was the main residence of Jowo Atisha in Tibet and the place where he died in 1054. Some of Atisha's bones, his Dharma robes, and a statue said to be a true likeness of him are still kept in this temple, along with many other precious relics [RY]

ta ra klu gong - Tara Lugong. A minister of King Trisong Deutsen [RY]

ta ra na tha - Taran tha [IW]

dam tshig sgrol ma - Samaya Tara, Samaya Savioress, [consort of Amoghasiddhi] [RY]

nam mkha'i sgo 'byed - part of the Oral Transmission of Tangtong Gyalpo; also an abhisheka text by Taranatha [RY]

nam mkha'i sgo 'byed - Opening the Door of the Sky, part of the Oral Transmission of Tangtong Gyalpo; also an abhisheka text by Taranatha [RY]

po ta la - residence of Avalokiteshvara and Tara said to be on a hill in a harbor on the Indian Ocean or by CH in an island in the China Sea near Shanghai. Palace in NW Lhasa [IW]

phun tshog gling - Phuntsoling; and Jonang; (jo nang) Ganden Phuntsoling, or Jonang Monastery, was founded by Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292-1361), whose established his hermitage nearby, an built the Great Stupa that Gives Liberation on Sight. /by Setting Eyes upon it. The place became later the seat of the great master Jetsün Taranatha Kunga Nyingpo [RY]

'phags ma sgrol dkar - white Tara [RY]

'phags ma sgrol ma - Arya Tara [RY]

'phags ma yid bzhin 'khor lo - Noble Wishgranting Wheel; Jetsün Tara [RY]

'phags ma yid bzhin 'khor lo - noble wish-granting wheel, Jetsun Tara [IW]

maN Dal bzhi chog - The practice of the Four Mandalas [of Tara] [RY]

maN Dal bzhi pa'i cho ga - The practice of the Four Mandalas [of Tara] [RY]

tsan dan sgrol ma rang byung - naturally occuring sandal wood Tara [sku ngo mtsar can gsum gyi ya gyal zhig ste, sngar gyi bshad srol ltar tsan dan gyi sdong po'i nang nas rang byung gi sku rten zhig ste, bod rgyal srong btsan sgam po'i dus bal bza' khri btsun gyi rten skal du khyer yong ba phyis ra mo cher bzhugs pa'i rten ngo mtsar can zhig [IW]

tsan dan sgrol ma rang byung - natural sandalwood Tara [sku ngo mtsar can gsum gyi ya gyal zhig ste, sngar gyi bshad srol ltar tsan dan gyi sdong po'i nang nas rang byung gi sku rten zhig ste, bod rgyal srong btsan sgam po'i dus bal bza' khri btsun gyi rten skal du khyer yong ba phyis ra mo cher bzhugs pa'i rten ngo mtsar can zhig] [IW]

tsan dan sgrol ma rang byung - natural sandalwood Tara [IW]

tshe spongs bza' dmar rgyan me tog sgrol ma - Margyen Flower Tara, the Princess of Tsepong; one of the wives of King Trisong Deutsen [RY]

tshe lha rnam gsum - the three deities of longevity: Amitayus, White Tara, and Namgyalma [RY]

dzam thang gtzang pa dgon - {dzam thang gtzang pa} monastery [in si khron great region dzam thang rdzong 1 of two large jonangpa monasteries thog mar Taranatha'i dngos slob cha lung ba ngag dbang phrin las kyi tsha bo ngag dbang bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal gyis gzim khang brtzegs and afterward gradually becoming a ruin] [IW]

zhi ba - (met) 1) goddess Uma; 2) Tara (3)(Tha mi dad pa),, subside 'tshub zhi ba,//tsha ba zhi ba,//grang ba zhi ba,//khong khro zhi ba; 4) (met) earth female cock year ['gog bden gyi rnam pa'i gras shig ste, ma zhi bar byed pa 'du byed sdug bsngal nyer len gyi phung po rnams dang bral ba'i mtshan nyid can te, bden bzhi rnam pa bcu drug gi ya gyal zhig go]; 5) karma of pacifying [las bzhi'i ya gyal, nad gdon sogs 'jigs pa nye bar zhi ba] (6) liberation/ nirvana (7) wratfhul zlog zla waning moon (8) quiescence [one of the {phrin las lnga}.- the five activities quietude, pensive, peace, pacification, be peaceful, pacifying, [nirvanic] calm, quiet rgyud zhi ba,//rang bzhin zhi ba,//zhi ba dang drag po'i las kun la 'gran pa'i zla thams cad bral ba,//. Gdmk. [Tserig]. SK: nirvċa [IW]

zhi ba - (met) 1) goddess Uma; 2) Tara; 3) (Tha mi dad pa),, subside [R]; 4) (met) earth female cock year [R]; 5) karma of pacifying [R] (6) liberation/ nirvana (7) wrathful zlog zla waning moon (8) quiescence [R] quietude, pensive, peace, pacification, be peaceful, [nirvanic] calm, quiet)/ [R] [IW]

zhi ba - 1) goddess Uma; 2) Tara; 3) (Tha mi dad pa,, subside; 4) earth female cock year [R]; 5) karma of pacifying; 6) liberation/ nirvana; 7) wrathful zlog zla waning moon; 8) quiescence * quietude, pensive, peace, civil[ian] pacification, be peaceful, [nirvanic] calm, quiet([IW]

gzungs 'dus - [by the Jonangpa Taranatha from the sutras and tantras a vol. of dharanis and mantras and chos tshan] [IW]

bzang mo - 1) swallow [bird]; 2) Tara kind lady [IW]

yi ge bcu pa - ten syllable mantra of Tara [RY]

yid ches gsum ldan - Threefold Confidence, a life story of Padmasambhava by Taranatha according to Indian sources. Tibetan title: {slob dpon pad-ma'i rnam thar rgya gar lugs yid ches gsum ldan}. Included by Jamgön Kongtrül in the Rinchen Terdzö, Vol. KA [RY]

yid bzhin 'khor lo - Wishfulfilling Wheel, White Tara [RY]

g.yu lo bkod pa'i zhing - Paradise Arrayed in Turquoise Petals, Tara's Buddhafield [RY]

g.yu lo bkod pa'i zhing - Yulo Köpa, Tara's Buddhafield. See Paradise Arrayed in Turquoise Petals [RY]

seng ldeng nags kyi sgrol ma - green Tara [IW]

seng ldeng nags kyi sgrol ma - Tara in the form of khadiravani [RY]

slob dpon pad ma'i rnam thar rgya gar lugs yi ches gsum ldan - life story of Padmasambhava according to Indian sources, composed by Taranatha [RY]

slob dpon pad ma'i rnam thar rgya gar lugs yi ches gsum ldan - life story of Padmasambhava according to Indian sources, by Taranatha [IW]

slob dpon dpa' bo - Famous non-Buddhist yogi in India in Nagarjuna's time. Mentioned in Taranatha's rise of Buddhism in India {chos 'byung}. Almost defeated the monks at Nalanda in debate so they sent a message to Nagarjuna requesting help. Nagarjuna sent his disciple Aryadeva to debate with the Indian heretic. The heretic was defeated but refused to accept Buddhism so they locked him in the library. Slowly he began to read the books and one day realized that Lord Buddha's dharma was authentic. He took refuge and wrote many famous texts. [TDuff] [RY]

gsung mgur shar gangs ri ma - a poem of Buddhist mysticism ; and rje btsun sgrol ma sgrub tshul : a method for the propitiation of the tutelary goddess Tara; by {ri rdzong sras sprul blo bzang tshul khrims chos 'phel} (1860-1926?) [RY]

lha mo khro gnyer can - 1) wrathful Tara; 2) wrathful goddess [IW]

lha btsun byang chub 'od - Lhatsün Jangchub Ö; the nephew of the King of Gugey, Lha Lama Yeshe Ö (lha bla ma ye shes 'od). Lha Lama sent envoys with offerings of gold to invite Atisha to Tibet so that he could restore the purity of the teachings, which were in decline. But Atisha refused. Meanwhile, Lha Lama was captured by the king of Garlog, who was alarmed at any effort to revive the teachings. The king demanded Lha Lama's weight in gold as ransom. When Jangchub Ö brought it, Lha Lama said, "I am now old, and it matters little whether I live or not. Use the gold to bring Pandita Atisha here." So Jangchub Ö sent Naktso Lotsawa to India with the invitation. Hearing that the king Lha Lama had sacrificed his life for the sake of the teachings, Atisha said he could not refuse the invitation, although he had received a prediction from Tara that he would live to the age of ninety-two if he remained in India but only until seventy-three if he went to Tibet. [MR] [RY]

ut pa la - blue lotus [with a long stem, as held in the hand of Tara] [IW]

ut pal - blue lotus [w long stem, as held in the hand of Tara] [IW]

om mdzad ma - a form of Tara [RY]