Chetsün Nyingtig

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lce btsun snying tig - Chetsün Nyingtig. One of the most important Dzogchen instructions, based on a transmission from Vimalamitra. Jamyang Khyentse had a vision of Chetsün Senge Wangchuk which inspired him to write the precious teaching known as Chetsün Nyingtig. Senge Wangchuk (11th-12th century) is among the lineage gurus in the Nyingtig transmission, which he received from his root guru, Dangma Lhüngyal, as well as directly from Vimalamitra. As a result of his high level of realization, his physical body disappeared in rainbow light at the time of death. In a later reincarnation as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, he remembered the Dzogchen teachings which Senge Wangchuk had transmitted to the dakini Palgyi Lodrö and wrote them down as the terma Chetsün Nyingtig, the 'Heart Essence of Chetsün.' [RY]

lce btsun seng ge dbang phyug - Senge Wangchuk (11th-12th century). Chetsün Senge Wangchuk is counted among the lineage gurus in the transmission of Nyingtig which he received from his root guru Dangma Lhüngyal as well as from Vimalamitra directly. As a result of his high level of realization, his physical body disappeared in rainbow light at the time of death. Before passing away, he uttered this last song. His later reincarnation as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo remembered the Dzogchen teachings which Senge Wangchuk had transmitted to the dakini Palgyi Lodrö and wrote them down as the terma Chetsün Nyingtig, one of the most important Dzogchen instructions based on the transmission from Vimalamitra [RY]