pha med bu 'di 'dre las gzhan pa su
There are two versions of this quotation found in the various rnam thars of dga' rab rdo rje. Respectively, they are found in the lo rgyus of the mkha' 'gro snying thig and bi ma snying thig. The shorter version listed first is found in the former:
Short version:
pha med bu 'di 'jig rten 'dre las gzhan pa su/
/gal te lha dang lha min sna tshogs gzugs/
/'di ltar byung ba'i dpe ni sus mthong med/
/'di ni log sred 'gro bas dpyas gyur sdig re che/
Longer version:
pha med bu 'di 'jig rten 'dre las min pa su%
'jig rten bdud dam tshangs pa la sogs sam%
rgyal po btsan dang dmu la sogs pa'i rigs%
khams gsum dag na 'dod ldan su zhig yin%
gal te lha'm lha min sna tshogs gzugs%
'di ltar byung ba'i dpe ni su yang mthong ba med%
rgyal khams chos med 'di ni su la srid% kye ma%
bdag ni rab tu khrims gtsang 'gro las rgyal 'dod pas%
'di ni log sred 'gro bas dpyas gyur sdig re che%
Who else could this child be, but a demon?
The gods and demigods take on various forms,
Yet still, no one has ever seen an incident such as this!
This will bring the slander of evil beings, how terrible!