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Kangyur & Tengyur Genres: Number of Texts, Pages and Text Size

Dr. D. Phillip Stanley, Naropa University

from "A Report on the Number of Texts, Pages and Text Size of Kangyur and Tengyur Genres" (BHLP Proceedings.pdf March 2009 | Translating the Words of the Buddha page 89ff)

Bka’ ’gyur Genres: Number of Texts, Pages and Text Size – D. Phillip Stanley, Naropa University
Note: The Combined Kanjur & Tanjur (CKT) consists of all texts find in the Peking, Cone, Derge, Urga, Narthang, and Lhasa Kanjurs, as well

The Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Genres: Number of Texts by Genre
Number of Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Texts
’Dul ba8888888
Sher phyin17172323232323
Phal chen1111111
dKon brtsegs49494949494949
mDo sde267263266268272273279
Myang ’das1111111
Total Sutra356352361363367368374
Number of Bka’ ’gyur Tantra Texts
rNying rgyud18181919181819
Dus ’khor ’grel bshadN/AN/A11N/AN/A1
gZungs ’dus26626624525481267
sMon lam18182020N/AN/A26
Total Tantra756758757751420444795
Total Bka’ ’gyur1,1121,1101,1181,1147878121,169


The Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Genres: Number of Pages by Genre *
Number of Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Non-Standardised Pages
’Dul ba7,5109,0927,8597,85912,16311,4027,510
Sher phyin15,16816,61315,05315,05721,33921,18115,198
Phal chen3,1793,3833,0873,0854,5294,4343,179
dKon brtsegs3,9574,0033,5003,5505,5205,5063,957
mDo sde19,42121,36518,28618,62929,01929,52020,064
Myang ’das1,4311,5861,3601,3602,2392,1091,431
Total Sutra50,90356,28749,35349,74775,14874,50251,576
Number of Bka’ ’gyur Tantra Pages
rNying rgyud1,8862,0411,9061,9062,6472,8701,887
Dus ’khor ’grel bshadN/AN/A936936N/AN/A1,043
gZungs ’dus1,7811,8211,0701,07025172,349
sMon lam42604747N/AN/A59
Total Tantra15,54616,55016,15816,14919,15320,67818,402
Total Bka’ ’gyur66,44972,83765,51165,89794,30195,18169,978


The Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Genres: Average Number of Pages per Text by Genre
Bka’ ’gyur Sutra Average Number of Pages per Text
’Dul ba9391,1369829821,5201,425939
Sher phyin892977654655928921661
Phal chen3,1793,3833,0873,0854,5294,4343,179
dKon brtsegs8182717211311281
mDo sde7381697010710872
Myang ’das1,4311,5861,3601,3602,2392,1091,431
Total Sutra143160137137205202138
Bka’ ’gyur Tantra Average Number of Pages per Text
rNying rgyud10511310010014715999
Dus ’khor ’grel bshadN/AN/A936936N/AN/A1,043
gZungs ’dus6.
sMon lam2.
Total Tantra21222122464723
Total Bka’ ’gyur6066595912011760

* Note: The average page size and amount of text on a page varies by collection so the data is not comparable across columns, except that the data for the Combined Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur is stated in equivalent number of Peking pages, thus it can be compared with the data for the Peking Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur.

* 1 page = 1 side of a 2-sided folio


The Bstan ’gyur Genres: Number of Texts by Genre
bsTod tshogs6364647173
Sher phyin4040383841
dBu ma257257158158264
mDo sde4040404040
Sems tsam6666666666
mNgon pa1818181818
’Dul ba4545464647
sKyes rab88888
sPring yig4242454545
Tshad ma6969666669
sGra mdo2828363637
gSo ba rig pa77777
bZo rig pa1717151521
Lugs kyi bstan bcos1221181824
sNa tshogs13213177122142
Total Sutra844853702754902
Total Bstan ’gyur3,9803,9823,3253,3774,093
Total Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur5,0924,7694,4354,4955,262


The Bstan ’gyur Genres: Number of Pages by Genre
bsTod tshogs590556590514613
Sher phyin10,60310,3429,5089,11810,664
dBu ma12,64012,35610,72510,85013,506
mDo sde6,6586,4445,6795,5616,658
Sems tsam10,43310,0558,9848,89410,433
mNgon pa7,4647,2466,3996,3347,464
’Dul ba12,35011,73210,44610,22712,354
sKyes rab2,3672,2382,8502,7762,367
sPring yig678640551551694
Tshad ma15,76115,30313,01612,78515,761
sGra mdo1,3941,2472,6212,5652,882
gSo ba rig pa4,0263,8523,5833,5314,026
bZo rig pa278319191196307
Lugs kyi bstan bcos128466339355653
sNa tshogs10,1069,6523,6176,56410,173
Total Sutra95,47692,44879,10080,82398,555
Total Bstan ’gyur157,792152,384126,033127,335161,825
Total Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur224,241246,685198,869192,846231,802


The Bstan ’gyur Genres: Average Number of Pages per Text by Genre
bsTod tshogs9.49978
Sher phyin265259250240260
dBu ma4948686951
mDo sde166161142139166
Sems tsam158152136135158
mNgon pa415403356347296
’Dul ba274261227222263
sKyes rab296280356347296
sPring yig1615121215
Tshad ma228222197194228
sGra mdo5045737178
gSo ba rig pa575550512504575
bZo rig pa16.419131315
Lugs kyi bstan bcos1122192027
sNa tshogs7774475472
Total Sutra113108113107109
Total Bstan ’gyur4038383840
Total Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur4452454344