khrel yod pa

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decorum, mibp 42, dread of blame, shame, embarrassment, consideration, be chaste [JV]

decorum, sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness, decency, dread of blame, considerate, propriety, embarrassment, fidelity and concern. One of dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig one of the eleven virtuous mental states. gzhan la ltos nas de 'dzem pa Syn khrel can, khrel yod pa [RY]

decorum, sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness, decency, dread of blame, embarrassment [one of dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig the 11 virtuous mental states], considerateness, propriety, depending on others opinion shame/ dread of blame [IW]

decorum, sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness, decency, dread of blame, embarrassment * considerateness, propriety, depending on others opinion shame/ dread of blame [IW]