'gog pa'i snyoms 'jug
'gog snyoms serenity of cessation, meditative equipoise of cessation. The equilibrium of cessation, as one of the fourteen non-concurrent formations. Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: zhi gnas srid rtse'i sems dang lhag mthong theg dman 'phags pa'i rgyud kyi zag med kyi shes rab gang yang rung ba la brten nas sems sems byung rgyun gtan pa ma yin pa rnam shes tshogs drug dang, rgyun gtan pa nyon yid 'gog pa'i mtshan nyid can [RY]
the serenity of cessation [RY]
serenity of cessation. The meditative state entered by an arhat after all disturbing emotions, sensations and thinking have ceased. It is not considered the ultimate goal by the Mahayana schools [RY]
meditative equipoise of cessation [RB]
equilibrium of cessation [IW]
attainment of the suspension of attitudinal and functional operations [JV]
equilibrium of cessation [A samapatti which makes coarse feeling and perception cease without the desire for/of the ayatana of nothing whatsoever, the summit of samsara las gyen du disturbances abiding in peace's perception previously btang ba'i yid la byed pa, by which the dharmas of mind and mental contents unstable and some of the stable ones too cease. Here, the seven consciousnesses [the six sense consciousnesses and klesha mind] cease in the final samadhi of the nine samapattis.][['gog snyoms - samapatti/equilibrium of cessation: 1) absorption of cessation; 2) the equilibrium of no cessation, as one of the fourteen non-concurrent formations; 3) attainment of the suspension of attitudinal and functional operations)/ the mind of shamatha of the summit of samsara and vipashyana having the characteristic of being completely in accord with the undefiled of the continuua of the noble ones of hinayana, depending on which there are never mind and mental contents the six consciousnesses and constant cessation of klesha mind.] [IW]