rnga yab
Chamara island [abode of srin po also called rnga yab dka'i gling in rigdzin Dupa- sm rnga lcag yak tail whisk, the camara continent] [IW]
1) tail whisk/ fan/ duster [Gold]?; 3) Chamara island [IW]
tail-fan [RY]
father of tails, yak's tail used for fanning and dusting, fabulous continent north of 'dzam bu gling, fan, tail-fan island, 1 of gling phran brgyad [JV]
Chamara island [abode of srin po also called rnga yab dka'i gling in rigdzin Dupa-rnga lcag yak tail whisk, the Chamara continent] [IW]
1) tail whisk/ fan/ duster [Gold]?: 2) (tza'mar:) W subcontinent of S continent 'dzam bu'i gling [one of the gling phran brgyad; 3) W ao rgyan gyi yul]; 3) Chamara island [R] [IW]
Skt. Cāmara or Cāmara-dvīpa (re: rnga yab gling), according to Buddhist cosmology, is one of the two sub-continents surrounding our human world Jambu-dvīpa, and is located in its southwestern direction. It is inhabited by rākṣasa-s and is the site of the Pure Realm or Pure Land of Padmasambhava, which is known as the Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory (zangs mdog dpal ri) [Erick Tsiknopoulos]