rga shi
1) old age and death [Rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis kyi ya gyal zhig 1 of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis = 12 links of dependent origination [[rga shi'i yan lag rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis kyi nang gses - skye ba de las phung rgyun 'gyur ba'i rga ba dang, rgyun 'gags pa'i shi ba ste, na tsod dang srog 'gyur bar byed pa'o [IW]
aging and death (one of twelve links of interdependent connection) [RB]
aging and death; aging and death, old age & death, one of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis twelve links of dependent origination; old age and death. Def. skye ba de las phung rgyun 'gyur ba'i rga ba dang, rgyun 'gags pa'i shi ba ste, na tshod dang srog 'gyur bar byed pa'o [RY]
decay and death. old age and death. [mss] [RY]
jaramarana, old age and death old age and death [JV]
old age and death [IW]